Virgin Again
Soundzboutright Here goes this my first post. I'll call it the Virgin. I don't really know what I'm doing here kinda like when I was a virgin in '74, but I got thru it then and I'll get thru it know. Lets get right to Politics. I support our troops but I do not support Bush. I'm native Texan but that does'nt matter. We should have never invaded Iraq. I think he so determined to do what his daddy didn't do (catch Sadaam) he ignored his best advisors and went to war anyway. He is hard-headed, arrogant and lost. Those people in that region have been fighting each other forever and always will, In the name of Religion. Ok, now to sports. I'm a Mavs fan but I don't think anyone can beat the Pistons this year. I couldn't care less about Hockey. I do feel TO is a great addition to the Cowboys. Even if he screwed up San Fran and Philly, Who Cares? advantage Cowboys. I'm not much of a babseball fan either. Too much time is wasted. The batters should adjust their caps, glasses, shirt, gloves, jock straps, pants, socks and shoes PRIOR to walking out there to hit the ball. I already miss skiing and the snow and peace and quiet it brings. On to music. I tell you 3 Doors Down is a damn good band. One of the newer ones that caught my ear. I like Train and Matchbox 20 is ok. I can do without Greenday. How bout the Smithereens? Well I'm fixin to mash the publish post and see what happens.