Saturday, November 11, 2006


Wow how time flys when you're having fun, or not. I don't like daylight savings time, the nights are way too long. We had a few snows in October but it unlikely our ski area will open Thanksgiving as usual. Maybe it will start snowing soon and they can make alot up there. Sports. The Cowboys are off to a lousy start at 4 and 4. I do think they have solved the QB problem, but there are many to solve with this team. Halfway there, and they will be lucky tomake the playoffs. The Mavericks. They are off to an even more lousy start at 1 win and 4 losses. But there are 78 more games. The Elections. Quite impressive if one is not a Republican. I'm thinking of who the Democrats will elect for President. And Chuck, I no longer would consider Hillary for President. I would however, if possible like to see Bill run again. Since that is not possible I, at this point, like Joe Biden and NM's own Bill Richardson. If the Republicans choose McCain, and I hope they do, A democrat is sure to become President. MUSIC. If you don't have Train, Three Doors Down, Little Feet, and Big Brother in your collection, you're missin out. I'm sober, day 420. That's it for now. Peace out.........


At 1:02 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

that's funny i was thinking of backing Hillary now, anymore Rep or Dem makes no matter to me, i'll get screwed either way. i've got Train and Three Doors Down, have you heard any Hinder? i'm liking them pretty well lately, they're from the OK City area. way cool on the sober thing. take care.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Whozfan said...

Chuck, hope all is well. I think Hillary would make a good President, I just don't think she could ever get elected. Although she was re-elected senator in NY with 69% of the vote. They never lived there till 2000. It seems Kerry shot himself in the foot. We can't forget Al Gore.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Chandira said...

Likewise about Hillary, and Obama. Both would be great presidents, but unlikely to get elected. One day, maybe, a black lesbian president.. ;-)

At 5:08 AM, Blogger Chuck said...

ok, someone take away chandira's voter registration card, just kidding, i'd probably vote for a black lesbian just for kicks, shake things up a bit.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger acaligurl said...

hey, i say the same thing! time flies whether u r having fun er not!happy fall.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Chandira said...

I like a shake up too. They couldn't do any worse than the current people, for sure, no matter who gets in in 08. ;-)

Lucky for you Chuck, I can't vote, I'm English..


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