365 Days+
Seasons Greetings! Yes somewhere aroung 9/15/06 I passed one year of sobriety. It seems like only 3 or 4 months. Once I made up my mind I wanted to stop It was not that hard to do. I had not ever been more than 5 or 6 months sober till now. That goes back to 1977. I went to about 20 AA meetings at first and I like their twelve steps but I just didn't feel comfortable maybe it had something to do with admitting to those present that I am an alcoholic. I'm still not sure I am but well may be. I just knew I was drinking too much too often. It didn't even really matter what type of alcohol either. I was lucky back in 2003 when I got I got a DUI that no other people or property was involved and I was not injured. But still I drank another 2 years before I quit. I plan to never drink again. I have had to change my behavior and quit going places and hanging with people where I would be tempted. But I tell you, I have never felt better. I lost about 18 pounds which mainly beer weight anyway. Plus it's nice having that extra money in my wallet, it really adds up. Even at $10.00 per day, thats $3650.00. I can dig it. Addictions, whatever they may be can be overcome. I think AA is a good place to start. I was suprised at how many people at the meetings where there to get help for all types of drug addictions, alcohol being the main drug. There is always hope and help. Peace